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Publication Rules

The Journal will have three sections: the first section for articles, the second one for reviews and the third for notes and news.

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​1. Articles

Only unpublished articles, written in Portuguese or Spanish, will be accepted. The articles will be evaluated by the Editorial Board and two peer reviewers, who will decide if they can be accepted for publication.

The articles shall not exceed thirty (30) pages in the format Word for Windows, source Times New Roman size 12 and space 1,5 between lines. Articles exceeding (thirty) 30 pages can be excepcionally accepted, according to the decision of the Editorial Board.

The articles should be followed by abstracts written in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in a maximum of 700 (seven hundred) caracters, and an English translation of the origianl title​ (being the original in Portuguese or English). The academic information on the authors, full address, and eletronic address, must be presented in footnote.

Quotations must be included within the text, citing: author´s last name, year of the publication, and number of the page. For example (Andrade Lima, 2002: 118; Funari et al., 2001:23). A text with two authors must have their names separeted by "&" regardless of their original language (Ex. Endere & Curtoni, 2009). Additional information must be presented in footnotes.


Acknowledgments must appear in the end of the text before the bibliography. The references must appear in alphabetical order in the bibliography.

The images should be sent in the format JPG or TIFF, black and white or in colour, in 300 dpi. A maximum number of 08 (eight) pictures for each article will be accepted (this number can be exceeded in especial circunstances). The author should indicate the number of the image and its place in the text.

Bibliographical references must be presented according to the following examples:

BooksFUNARI, P.P. & PELEGRINI, S. 2006. Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural. Jorge Zahar Editor, São Paulo.

Book Chapters | ANDRADE LIMA, T. 2002. O papel da Arqueologia Histórica no Mundo Globalizado. In ZARANKIN, A. & SENATORE, M.X. (Org.) Arqueologia da Sociedade Moderna na America do Sul. Editorial Del Tridente, Buenos Aires. Pp.116-127.

Journal articlesTOCCHETTO, F. 2003. Fica dentro o joga fora? Sobre praticas cotidianas em unidades domesticas na Porto Alegre oitocentista. Revista de Arqueologia da Sociedade de Arqueologia Brasileira, Vol.:16:59-69. São Paulo.


Dissertation or thesis | CARVALHO, Patrícia Marinho de. 2012. A travessia atlântica das árvores sagradas: Estudos de paisagem e arqueologia em área de remanescente de quilombo em Vila Bela/MT. 271 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arqueologia), Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.


Eletronic document | NORMAK, J. 2007. Bergsonian and Deleuzian ontologies for a posthuman archaeology. Polyagentive archaeology, Part III, pp. 1-6. Stanford. Available at: <> Acesso em: agosto de 2012.


​2. Reviews
The journal will accept reviews about recent publications related to its areas of interest. The maximum lenght should not exceed 04 (four) pages in the Word for Windows format, Times New Roman character 12 and space of 1,5 between lines.


​3. Notes and information
Abstracts of masters thesis and doctoral dissertations, notes and information on congresses and symposium, etc. will be accepted for publication. The maximum lenght of the notes and information should not exceed 02 (two) pages in the Word for Windows format, Times New Roman character 12 and space of 1,5 between lines.

ISSN (impresso): 1981-5875

ISSN (online): 2316-9699

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